Tuesday, June 23, 2009

The Cafeteria

So as you all may know, this past week I left Florida to embark on a great experience of my life. I am interning in Cambridge, MA (which is right by Boston for those of you who didn't know like me!). The program is called Breakthrough Collaborative. The program works to insure that underprivileged youth gets the necessary resources and help needed to ensure that they enroll in a four year college program. So to sum up what I do, I help impact the lives of numerous middle school-aged kids. Yea I know, I'm changing lives one step at a time.

Well, one of the assignments for the internship was to read some articles that were related to the program. One of the articles read discussed the scenario of "The Cafeteria" in schools. This article really intrigued me and sparked an idea to make it an entry.

The article depicted a scenario in a high school in which when you entered the cafeteria you saw segregation. The article stated that all the black kids sat at the table together. The article went on to ask:


I began to think of this and came to the conclusion that this scenario also found its way to the University of Florida. If one walked on "The Set" on any given day, you would most likely see the black students in one spot, and the whites on another. Now, I didn't say this was ALWAYS the case, just typically. So you may be thinking why is it that all the blacks segregate themselves, when we fought to be integrated in the first place?

Black students turn to each other for support, that they might not get from anyone else. We can relate with each other, and understand the struggles we have been through.

In society, academic success is often times associated with being white, so successful black students often find it hard to fit in with any crowd while in school. The blacks feel they act white, and the whites still know they are black. This can be a confusing time for educated blacks. Where are we supposed to fit in? Do we pretend to be hood to be accepted by our race? Or, try really really hard to be white so that the whites accept us? People need to stay true to who you are and not change for NO ONE!! If that means you act white, then act white! (WHAT DOES IT MEAN TO ACT WHITE ANY WAYS??) Just do you!! Im tired of people judging each other just because we trying to do something productive with our lives... GEEZ!!! stop worrying about each other and read a book (you know blacks dont like to read!)

Well, thats all I got right now!!! I need to hit the bed. I have training in the morning! Gotta get right so I can teach these kids!!!

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