Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Shoning: The New Epidemic

I'm sure you are all aware of the two leading epidemics facing African Americans today. WHich is STDs/STIs and unexpected pregnancy. We know how important it is to NEVER have unprotected sex, and how important it is to get tested. Remember: "To lead you must be AWARE," so know your status. Okay so enough with the safe sex spiel. Now onto the subject of shoning.

Before we get into this discussion I deem it necessary to first define what a shone is.


N. A person who divulges in promiscuous sexual behavior on a daily basis. This person is known as fast and easy and will do what ever it takes to get what they want. They are not necessarily a prostitute, however, there work at times can be similar. The act of shoning normally occurs when an individual in a monogamous relationship creeps and cheats on their significant others. Other terms that could be used to describe a shone is smut, hoe, and trick just to name a few.

So now that you all are aware of what a shone is, we can go ahead and discuss this newly found epidemic. So just like STIs, shoning is beginning to sweep across our communities rapidly. I do not know if there is something in the water causing this new uproar, if so, do not drink the water. I REPEAT! DO NOT DRINK THE TAINTED SHONING WATER! Shoning is a deadly epidemic that can cause the demise of reputations, self-respect, friendships, and of course relationships.

1. Reputations- As stated previously, shones are not known to be angelic by the community. They are often times viewed as home wreckers (For example, Monica Lewinski and Sun-Yi Previn). Sometimes shones do not care if their name is tainted because they are proud of the work they do. They feel like they are an all star and they can just take it.

2. Self-Respect- The more a n individual shones, the more and more respect they are losing for themselves. Any person that would willingly give it up to a random just for self gratification or for monetary reasons (this makes them similar to prostitutes), does not have love or respect for their very own bodies. Ladies, your bodies should be your temple. You can not just left Tom, Dick, and Harry just climp your empire. Lets have some carriers to entry. Do not let people put dents in your temples.

3. Friendships- If shoning involves friends it could often times turn ugly. No one wants to be told that their best friend is a p-popping shone who just gives it up. People realize these days that birds of a feather flock together. Therefore, if one member of the group is a shone, then most and likely the entire group will be judged and viewed as shones. It is all about being guilty by association. You could definitely lose friends over ones shoning ways.

4. Relationships- **** This is the biggest and most important one. Although losing a friend is difficult, but losing a relation is hard as well. Shoning does nothing for a relationship but create tension, controversy, and arguments. No one wants to stay in a relationship with a person who cheats on them and does not stay in the monogamous relationship. Point blank period, if you are in a relation then DO NOT SHONE!

Getting back to this epidemic that is surrounding us all. Shoning is not good for you, though you may think so, and though it may feel good. IT IS BAD!!! It causes too much chaos and should not be practiced. If you have the opportunity to stop a shone in action, please do so. We must put an end to this new epidemic.

We will later analyze the reasons Why people shone!



    "People realize these days that birds of a feather flock together."
    There's a lot of truth in that statement.

    I'm not sure what's in the water either, but I'm glad someone sees it this way :)

    -D. Stevens

  2. Yes gear up because I am going to bring light to this prevalent issue of SHONING! Many more entries to come!
